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Helping companies scale Vision AI

74% of Vision AI PoCs do not scale*

Trust the new Vision AI paradigm

Camera systems can be more than just “eyes”. Storing huge numbers of images
or video is no longer a necessity – all that makes sense is the AI-extracted
information. AI cannot solve everything.

Overcome the systems fragmentation

Start-ups do good data ML but are not strong in computer vision, while embedded edge HW expertise is scarce. Most importantly, writing SW is far
away from successful Product Development.

Bridge the Computer Vision tech debt

A lot of open-source resoures are publicly available. On the other hand,
tech components development seem easier in-house (e.g. ML SW). However, cross-domain coordination is the key to success – and this is commonly discovered too late.

Address unique needs & complexity

Each buniness case is special in various ways, from cost limitations, and accuracy requirements, to unique visual, product & environmental conditions, or integration with existing tech stack & processes.

Fast scaling from Prototype to Production

A recent research from McKinsey & Company revealed that 74% of respondents failed to scale Vision AI / we stuck to pilot. A full SW & orchestration infrastructure is necessary to deploy either 2 or 2000 devices!

Irida Labs introduces PerCV.ai, a complete software and services platform that helps overcome the cross-industry problem & opportunity of scaling Vision AI. Providing an end-to-end Vision AI Infrastructure that involves: Optics and Hardware, Edge Software, Data Management, Edge Device.

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End-to-end software and services platform to deploy Computer Vision & AI at scale.


Stock Management
Product Identification
Packaging Integrity & QA



Shelf Monitoring
Customer Analytics
Store Heatmapping



Traffic Flow Monitoring
Parking Lot Management

Partners & Customers

Trusted by Fortune-500 companies & world-class industry leaders

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Meet us at VISION Stuttgart 2022

Irida Labs will be exhibiting at the VISION Stuttgart 2022 a live demo deployment of the PerCV.ai-powered solution for next-gen Quality Control Automation based on AI & Computer Vision. Meet us! … Read More

Computer Vision & AI Solutions

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